Kathy Kemp ART Kathy Kemp ART

About Kathy

I love scavenging for “experienced objects”, seeing them for shape and form, rather than for their function or by the context by which I know them. I appreciate the ordinary as well as the exotic or extravagant. The curve in a spindle, the patina of chipped paint or oxidized metal, the grain of weathered hardwood, bobbins, latches and all sorts of odds and ends and inspire me to integrate shapes, materials, textures and color. I create something new with the old and discarded. Over time things weather and change, and this can be beautiful and graceful when seen through a certain lens.

Like aged people, aged objects take a different appearance or shape over the years. They have histories, secrets and stories to share if you pay attention. I want my art to leave you asking questions and uncovering memories by which you see your own story in the art.

I am geriatric care manager and an artist. I look for and recognize the inherent worth and beauty in my clients, and in the objects and materials I find.

Kathy has a certificate in graphic design from Mass College of Art and Design and is a Geriatric Care Manager and founder of Sage Advice Care Management. She and her husband live in Arlington, MA and Westminster, VT.

Contact Kathy at kkemp367@gmail.com